Continuing Classes and Offerings
Meditations on the Gospel of Philip
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:30 pm
We gather online to discuss the Gospel of Philip, which was written for early Jewish followers of Yeshua, especially those grounded in the Jewish mystical tradition. Written down sometime in the late second to early third century this gospel points to a tradition that mostly moved east as the more Hellenized version of the newly forming Christian faith began to take hold. While the text can be difficult, it does provide a window on the Christian faith that was deeply embedded in the Jewish faith, as was Yeshua.
Soul Circle
2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:30 pm
We gather on these Thursdays for conversation about the Spiritual Life. We meet in this community of others who, with us, long to become the sound, whole persons our traditions tell us we were created to become. The leader for the evening opens with a reading, we share the guidelines for welcoming conversation, then those who wish to are invited to speak about the experience of trying to live intentionally the life to which they feel called.
Silent Prayer and Meditation
In the Sanctuary on Tuesday & Friday mornings
at 8:00 am
We light a candle and spend 25 minutes in silence. The last person out of the room blows out the candle. It is that simple. Those who seek to include meditation in their weekly practice often find it easier to do so in the company of others.
St. Aidan’s has two labyrinths for walking prayer and meditation. The outdoor labyrinth, located between the memorial garden and Riverside Road, is always available. The labyrinth in the church is available most of the year and is used during special services and retreats. We can also arrange to open the church at other times for those who would like to walk the labyrinth.